14.4. Article-Internet

First Reference Author’s First and Last Name, “Title of Article”, Website (Access Day Month Year).
Example Sebastian Karcher – Philipp Zumstein, “Citation Styles: History, Practice, and Future”, Authorea (Access 18 September 2019).
Subsequent References Author’s Last Name, “Title of Article”.
Example Sebastian Karcher – Philipp Zumstein, “Citation Styles: History, Practice, and Future”.
Bibliography Author’s Last Name, Last Name. “Title of Article”. Website. Access Day Month Year. URL
Example Karcher, Sebastian – Zumstein, Philipp. “Citation Styles: History, Practice, and Future”. Authorea. Access 18 September 2019. https://www.authorea.com/users/102264/articles/124920-citation-styles-history-practice-and-future/_show_article#burbules_paradigmatic_2014-landing-welcome


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