2.2. Book-By A Single Author

First Reference … (Author’s Last Name, Year of Publication).
Example … (İnan, 2018).
… (Sezgin, 1967-2015).
Subsequent Refererences … (Author’s Last Name, Year of Publication).
Example … (İnan, 2018).
… (Sezgin, 1967-2015).
Direct References … (Author’s Last Name, Volume/Page Number).
Example … (İnan, 2018, 34).
… (Sezgin, 1967-2015, 17/19-23).
Bibliography Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. x Volumes. Place of Publication: Publisher, x. Edition, Year of Publication.
Example İnan, Afet. Piri Reis’in Hayatı ve Eserleri. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2. Edition, 2018.

Sezgin, Fuat. Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums. 17 Volumes. Leiden: Brill, 1967-2015.

  • The names of authors are saved to softwares like EndNote and Zotero as Last Name, First Name. When saving an Arabic name, enter “Kunya Ism Nisba Laqab” in the field of Author’s Name, and well-known name in the field of Last Name.

    Example: Topaloğlu, Bekir

    al-Bukhārī, Muḥammad b. Ismāʿīl

    al-Ghazzālī, Ebû Hâmid

    Kādîhan, Fahreddîn Hasan b. Mansûr

  • When saving a publication of this type to EndNote and Zotero, enter number of volumes and editions in numerals in the field that indicated by “x” in the above examples. Dot and the word “Edition” (x. Edition) are not written.

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