The format for citing books by one author in footnotes: | |
First Reference1 | Author’s First Name and Last Name, Title of Book, Printing Number (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication; Page Number. |
Subsequent References 2 | Author’s Last Name, Title of Book, Page Number. |
- Talip Özdeş, Maturidi’nin Tefsir Anlayışı, Second Printing (Istanbul: Insan Publication, 2003; 15.
- Özdeş, Maturidi’nin Tefsir Anlayışı, 141-143.
- Mustafa Öztürk, Tefsirde Bâtınîlik ve Bâtınî Te’vil Geleneği (Istanbul: Düşün Publication, 2011; 57.
- Öztürk, Tefsirde Bâtınîlik, 114-115.
- Ebû İshâk İbrâhzim ez-Zâhid es-Saffâr, Telḫîṣü’l-edille li-ḳavâʿidi’t-tevḥîd, ed. Angelika Brodersen (Beyrut: el-Ma‘hedü’l-Almânî li-ebhâsi’ş-Şarkiyye, 1432/2011; 2: 143.
- Saffâr, Telḫîṣü’l-edille, 2: 143.
- Michael Pollan, The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals (New York: Penguin, 2006; 99-100.
- Pollan, Omnivore’s Dilemma, 3.
The format for citing books by one author in bibliography: | |
Bibliography | Author’s Last Name, First Name, Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. |
Özdeş, Talip. Maturidi’nin Tefsir Anlayışı. Second Printing. Istanbul: Insan Publication, 2003.
Öztürk, Mustafa. Tefsirde Bâtınîlik ve Bâtınî Te’vil Geleneği. Istanbul: Düşün Publication, 2011.
Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin, 2006.
Saffâr, Ebû İshâk İbrâhim ez-Zâhid. Telḫîṣü’l-edille li-ḳavâʿidi’t-tevḥîd. Ed. Angelika Brodersen. Second Vol. Beyrut: el-Ma‘hedü’l-Almânî li-ebhâsi’ş-Şarkiyye, 1432/2011.