26. Database

First Reference … (Abbreviation for Name of Database, Access Day Month Year).
Example … (WoS, 18 September 2019).
… (DAVET, 12 November 2019).
… (ALMANHAL, 19 April 2019).
Subsequent References … (Abbreviation for Name of Database, Access Day Month Year).
Example … (WoS, 18 September 2019).
… (DAVET, 12 November 2019).
… (ALMANHAL, 19 April 2019).
Direct References … (Abbreviation for Name of Database, Access Day Month Year).
Example … (WoS, 18 September 2019).
… (DAVET, 12 November 2019).
… (ALMANHAL, 19 April 2019).
Bibliography Abbreviation for Name of Database, Database Name. “Search for: Search Term”. Access Day Month Year. URL
Example ALMANHAL, Al Manhal eLibrary. “Search for: إسناد”. Access 9 July 2019. http://platform.almanhal.com

DAVET, The Religious Studies Citation Index. “Search for: Oruç İbadeti”. Access 12 September 2019. www.davet.org.tr

EBSCO, EBSCO Akademik Search Complete. “Search for: Mehmet Akif Ersoy”. Access 19 April 2019. http://search.ebscohost.com

WoS, Web of Science. “Search for: Maturidism”. Access 18 September 2019. http://apps.webofknowledge.com

  • When writing the names of institutions such as Web of Science, EBSCO and SCOPUS, write brand name of database in the field of First Name, and abbreviation in the field of Last Name.

    Example: EBSCO, EBSCO Academic Search Complete

    WoS, Web of Science

    DAVET, The Religious Studies Citation Index


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