22.1. Legislation-In Official Gazette

First Reference … (Abbrevation for Title of Legislation, Publication Date).
Example … (FSEK, 13 December 1951).

… (YK, 6 November 1981).

… (DY, 15 April 2018).

… (Stop extremism, 15 June 2017).

Subsequent References … (Abbrevation for Title of Legislation, Publication Date).
Example … (FSEK, 13 December1951).
… (YK, 6 November 1981).
… (DY, 15 April 2018).
… (Stop extremism, 15 June 2017).
Direct References … (Abbrevation for Title of Legislation, Publication Date, Article Number).
Example … (FSEK, 13 December1951, Ar. 1/4).
… (YK, 6 November 1981, Ar. code 2).
… (DY, 15 April 2018, Ar. code 2).
… (Stop extremism, 15 June 2017, p. 2).
Bibliography Abbrevation for Title of Legislation, Title of Legislation (Legal Code no. Legal Code Number). Official Gazette Issue No (Publication Date). Access Day Month Year. URL
Example DY, Doçentlik Yönetmeliği. Official Gazette 30392 (15 April 2018). Access 3 September 2019. http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2018/04/20180415-3.htm

FSEK, Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu (Legal Code no. 5846). Official Gazette 7981 (13 December 1951). Access 3 September 2019. https://kms.kaysis.gov.tr/Home/Goster/33768?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1

Stop extremism, Commission Decision/EU 2017/1002 of 7 June 2017 on the proposed citizens’ initiative entitled Stop extremism. Official Journal of the European Union L 152/1 (15 June 2017). Access 3 September 2019. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dec/2017/1002/oj

YK, Yükseköğretim Kanunu (Legal Code no. 2547). Official Gazette 17506 (6 Kasım 1981). Access 3 September 2019. http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.5.2547.pdf

  • When saving publications of this type to softwares like EndNote ve Zotero, enter Title of Legislation in the field of Author’s First Name, and Abbreviation for Title of Legislation in the field of Author’s Last Name.

    Example: YK, Yükseköğretim Kanunu

  • The abbreviation “art.” and article numbers are entered to softwares like EndNote manually.

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